An .htaccess file is a text file that incorporates directives which tell a web server how to behave in specific situations. It should be placed into the folder where these directives should be carried out. Loads of script-driven applications employ this kind of a file to work efficiently - WordPress and Joomla, in particular. You can use such a file with custom made content too and do quite a lot of things - block an IP address, an entire network or particular websites from accessing your site, set custom made error pages that will be displayed rather than the server-generated ones in case a visitor encounters some error on the site, forward a domain or a subdomain to another web address, create a password-protected area plus more. With an .htaccess file, you'll have much better control over your web presence.

.htaccess Generator in Hosting

When you purchase any of our hosting plans, you can take advantage of our user-friendly .htaccess generator tool, which is part of the Hepsia Control Panel. You shall not need to know what syntax the various directives in this type of a file need to have, because our tool is easy to use and you shall only have to check boxes or type in URLs, so you can easily use an .htaccess file even when you have never had a hosting account before. Our .htaccess generator gives a wide range of options - you'll be able to block IP addresses, set the first page that loads when somebody opens your site, create password protection, redirect a domain to another web address, enable PHP in HTML files, enable Server Side Includes, plus much more. You shall even be able to set a different PHP version for each one of your Internet sites.

.htaccess Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans offer an .htaccess generator tool, which is simple enough to be used by individuals without previous experience. You'll be able to access it via your Hepsia CP and employ a user-friendly interface to activate any option you'd like. After you pick the folder in which our system will create the .htaccess file, you just need to check the boxes next to the options that you would like to activate, then save the changes and you shall be set. The one thing you shall have to input by hand will be a URL - if you want to use the .htaccess file to redirect one of your domains/subdomains to another address or if you want to use custom made error pages. Our platform will also permit you to set the PHP version that a site will use by placing an .htaccess file in its root folder, even if your account in general uses a different version.