If you choose to employ a PostgreSQL-driven script app on any of your sites, you will need ample database storage space for it, to ensure that even when your website gets larger, it'll run effectively and without any disorders. Putting more items to an online shop or extra comments to a discussion board are only two samples of what can increase the size of your databases. If you use up all your storage space at some point, the functionality may decrease or the website might not be available at all owing to the fact that when the storage space limit is reached, the script will not be able to store additional content in the database - user-generated or system one. Due to the fact that PostgreSQL is designed for scalable web apps, it's more than likely that if you employ this kind of database for your site, you will need more space for it as your website expands.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Hosting

Our hosting were designed with the notion to provide you with the opportunity to pick the ideal features depending on the type of websites you'd like to host. If you do not need PostgreSQL databases, for instance, you can choose a package which does not feature this system as standard. In case you change your mind at a later time or in case you need PostgreSQL from the beginning, you can always pick one of the packages that include PostgreSQL support. All the plans provide a considerable amount of storage space dedicated to your databases, so even if your sites expand, you will not have any problems, since some packages come even with unlimited space. For the lower-end plans, the PostgreSQL storage will be upgraded with a few clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you acquire one of our semi-dedicated servers, you'll be able to run PostgreSQL websites without having to worry that you will reach any kind of restriction for the volume of your databases, because there isn't such a restriction. Using our cloud hosting platform, a separate group of servers takes care of the databases, so in case additional processing power or database storage space is necessary at any moment, we just connect more servers or hard disk drives. Compared to many other suppliers, we do not manage everything on a single server. All of our plans are very powerful and make it possible for you to operate heavy, resource-consuming websites, so we have ensured that the PostgreSQL database storage attribute matches all the rest of the characteristics. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts will allow you to check out the size of any PostgreSQL database that you have plus the total size of all databases, but these numbers are available exclusively for your information.